David Palladini is an American illustrator, best known for his Aquarian Tarot decks and children’s book illustrations, especially his illustrations for The Girl Who Cried Flowers by Jane Yolen. His style is reminiscent of the Art Nouveau illustrations of Alfons Mucha and Aubrey Beardsley.
Born in Italy and emigrated to America as a child, David Palladini’s dual cultural background is expressed in the lush creativity of his work. After studying art, photography, and film at New York’s Pratt Institute, David’s first professional assignment was as a photographer for the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City.
He illustrated the novel The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King, and Beauty: A Retelling of the Story of Beauty and the Beast by Robin McKinley (her first novel). The Eyes of the Dragon artwork was rendered in pencil and ink on Bienfeng velour paper.
David’s newest work is his artistic memoir, The Journal of an Artist, a bracingly honest look at a man who chose to honor his authentic path by devoting his life to art. The book is published by Black Swan Press.
David has worked and lived in The Hamptons (New York State), Jamaica, and France. He currently lives in Newport Beach, California and continues to paint, write, and exhibit his work.